Most real estate “sales training” is a joke.
They hand you a script, tell you to memorize it like a parrot, and send you off to “convert leads” using outdated tactics like ALM and LPMAMA.
You know the drill:
“Hey [First Name], are you looking to buy in the next 3-6 months? Are you pre-approved? Are you working with an agent?”
Blah, blah, blah.
The prospect zones out.
You sound like every other agent who took the same crappy seminar.
And worst of all—you lose the deal before it even begins.
That’s why we don’t do scripts.
We teach something better: The 5-Star TRIS Framework.
See, real sales isn’t about memorizing words like a telemarketer in 1997.
It’s about creating real depth of relationship with your prospects.
It’s about understanding how people think, what they feel, and how to position yourself as the only logical choice.
TRIS is a framework.
And frameworks stick.
We remember them.
We implement them.
We get results.
Not some regurgitated, recycled, “rah-rah” garbage from a keynote speaker who hasn’t ever sold a home.
It’s the difference between assembling a high-converting conversation versus blindly reciting one.
Eugene Schwartz said it best about copywriting:
“Copy is not written. It is assembled.”
The same applies to sales.
A script is rigid.
A script makes you sound like a salesperson.
A script makes you easy to ignore.
A framework, though?
It’s flexible.
It adapts to your prospect.
It makes you sound like a human.
Drop the script.
Adopt TRIS.
And start having conversations that actually close deals.
Go here for details:
What could be better than a knowledgeable, lively group of people who have a passion for what they do and are good at it, too? We have put together an extraordinary team of innovative, committed members who put client success first.